Our purpose is to preserve New Zealand's whitewater resources and enhance opportunities to enjoy them safely.

History of New Zealand Kayaking

Hey, I'm doing an assignment on the history of NZ kayaking, does anyone know where I can get information on first decents of rivers in the country and how kayaking came about as a recreational sport in NZ.

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alan.bell0's picture

If you're in Wellington get in touch. I have lots of stuff including a really old book by one of the early canoeists. But not prepared to send it or lend it out.
There's quite a bit on the rivers site itself. Try using the search facility on the front page.
my work no is if you are around the Capital

hugh's picture

What books or mags have you found so far?

hugh's picture

From when to when?

There is some published historical record, but mostly you need to talk to some ancient ones.


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